1.1 / January 9, 2013
(3.2/5) (16)



  ★ 公务员必读!
  ★ 有史以来全国总销量第一的官场小说!
  ★ 一部逐层讲透村、镇、县、市、省官场现状的自传体小说。


23 times subtlemobilization and promotion, 66 Party and government departments, 84from officialdom storm, the 304-level officials, interwoven intothe fate of an ordinary civil servants - Hou Weidong this note,will take you deep sneaked into China's civil service system large,complex and exciting internal world, from the village, town,county, city, until the province, promotion of the road in 10 yearsas the hero Hou Weidong layers peel the vast the officialdom statuswith secret.
Reading "the of Hou Weidong officialdom notes (Set of 8),officialdom for you is no longer a vague, messy concept, but apicture of the clear and familiar faces; the Among Baiguan of thoseon stage, behind those expressions of thoughts, words seeminglysudden, all the ups and downs of the novel, one by one exposedtheir true colors.

★ civil servants must-read!
★ the history of the country's total sales of officialdomnovels!
★ a layer by layer thoroughly publicize the village, town, county,municipal, provincial officialdom status autobiographicalnovel.
★ "of Hou Weidong officialdom notes: the drill thoroughly publicizethe village, town, county, municipal, provincial officialdom statusquo!
★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom note 2: How do achievements?
★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom notes: teach you to master the artof leadership!
★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom notes: how to make the leadershipof the" leadership "fancy you?
The ★ "of Hou Weidong officialdom notes 5: What are the contactsfor help? Who pulse terrible?
★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom note 6": paving the way not forgetretreat!
★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom note 7": at any time "ambush pen,the more the better!
★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom note: the higher up you go, themore we talk about politics!
★ 23 times subtle mobilization and promotion, 66 Party andgovernment departments, 84 from officialdom storm, the 304-levelofficials, interwoven into the fate of an ordinary civil servants -Hou Weidong of the notes, will take you deep into China civilservants system is a huge, complex and exciting internal world,from the village, town, county, city, until the provincial andpromotion of the road in 10 years as the hero Hou Weidong layerspeel the vast the officialdom status with secret.

About the author
Small bridge old trees, male, 40 years old, a province in a city ofa Secretary.

App Information 侯卫东官场笔记[全集]

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  • Updated
    January 9, 2013
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盗墓笔记全集(套装1-8册) 1.0 APK
  《盗墓笔记》是南派三叔所著的盗墓题材小说,首发于起点中文网。《盗墓笔记捌:大结局(上、下)》于2011年12月19日上市,至此《盗墓笔记》系列完结,共出版实体书九本。《盗墓笔记》大结局是千万粉丝期待5年之久的“结局”。《盗墓笔记》系列是南派三叔的代表作,其堪称近年来中国出版界的神作,长期占据国内各大图书销售排行榜榜首,获得百万读者狂热追捧,盛赞不断。南派三叔凭此作名满天下,跻身中国超级畅销书作家行列。《盗墓笔记》系列创造了出版界的一个神话,与《鬼吹灯》共同开启了中国通俗小说界的“盗墓时代”。作者简介  南派三叔,本名徐磊,浙江人,现居杭州。小说中的主人公,正是因为当年盗墓的爷爷入赘杭州,而在杭州开了一家小小的古董铺子,守护着那群长沙土夫子从古墓不知名怪物手中拼命抢出的战国帛书。小说中的主人公和作者是不是有什么联系呢……  《盗墓笔记(套装1-8册)(套装共9册)》(套装共9册) :包括《盗墓笔记1七星鲁王宫》《盗墓笔记2秦岭神树》、《盗墓笔记3云顶天宫》、《盗墓笔记4蛇沼鬼城》、《盗墓笔记5谜海归巢》、《盗墓笔记6阴山古楼》、《盗墓笔记7邛笼石影》、《盗墓笔记.8大结局(上、下套装)》。   《盗墓笔记1七星鲁王宫》:  五十年前,一群长沙土夫子(盗墓贼)挖到一部战国帛书,残篇中记载了一座奇特的战国古墓的位置,但那群土夫子在地下碰上了诡异事件,几乎全部身亡。  五十年后,其中一个土夫子的孙子在先人笔记中发现了这个秘密,他纠集了一批经验丰富的盗墓高手前去寻宝。但谁也没有想到,这个古墓中竟然有着这么多诡异的事物:七星疑棺、青眼狐尸、九头蛇柏……   《盗墓笔记2秦岭神树》:  朋友老痒出狱,给刚从西礁海底墓归来、在家赋闲没有几日的主人公——“我”带来一个惊人的消息:诡异的六角铃铛,古老的厍族,巨大的青铜树,遥远的秦岭腹地……“我”不由得跃跃欲试。  接下来,“我”和老痒二人孤身深入到神秘莫测的秦岭探险。但前方等待着他们的又是什么?——各种诡异事物接踵而来,哲罗鲑,黄泉瀑布,尸阵,麒麟竭,烛九阴……   这棵巨大的青铜树究竟是做什么用的?是一棵许愿树,还是一个少数民族的图腾?他们到底能不能找到真正的答案?   《盗墓笔记3云顶天宫》:  十年前,顺子的父亲带领一批神秘人进入茫茫的大雪山,闯入凶险莫名的地宫墓室,发现了数不胜数的金银财宝,但他们非但不能带着这些财宝离开,反而被困此地,几乎全部死于非命。十年后,“我们”和顺了一行人再次踏足云顶天宫,这更是一次直逼死亡的惊险大穿越:昆仑胎、墙串子、百足神龙等前所未见的怪异事物接替出现,藏尸阁、排道、火山口、门殿、殉葬渠等诡异恐怖之所带来超强的感官刺激……   《盗墓笔记4蛇沼鬼城》:  从云顶天宫顺利脱出之后,吴邪和苏醒后的三叔进行了一次长谈。吴邪了解到在二十年前海底古墓里发生的三叔没有透露的隐情。关于解连环的神秘死亡以及背后牵涉到战国帛书和老长沙的恩怨,也理出了端倪。就在吴邪认为事情接近真相的时候,两盘来自张起灵的录像带,又让事情重新进入了重重迷雾之中……   《盗墓笔记5谜海归巢》:  深入西王母的蛇沼鬼城之后,吴邪一行经过三天三夜极其紧张的搜索,终于在隐藏于密林中的神庙附近找到了进入西王母宫的入口。在入口的泥潭处,他发现三叔的队伍几乎全部离奇死去,但他并没找到三叔的尸体。他们继续涉险,进入西王母城庞大的地下体系,终于遇到文锦,得悉西沙的秘密,三叔鲜为人知的真正过去也浮出水面。事情并没有完结,路途的终极点就在前方,西王母古城到底承载的是怎样一个诡异的文明?浮雕上的巨蛇真的存在过吗?那个如影随形的“它”,究竟来自何方?他们最终看到的,是怎样的一个颠覆一切的秘密?   《盗墓笔记6阴山古楼》:  在十万大山的腹地,在广西巴乃,为了帮助闷油瓶找回记忆,吴邪与胖子再入险境,搜集西沙事件残存的蛛丝马迹。死而复生的考古队队员,充满奇怪气味的铁块,离奇暴毙的当事人……经由盘马老爹的口述,一切更加扑朔迷离。而噩梦只是刚刚开始,他们几入魔湖,发现了位于水下数百米的瑶族古寨,发现了隐藏其中的汉式大院,更发现了比古墓更令人胆寒的所在!惊悚的事件远不止此:铁人葬、雷王像、石中影、活人祭……他们九死一生,“它”的意图如此不可捉摸……这个被水淹没的千年瑶寨到底隐藏了怎样的大阴谋?随着麒麟文身与古寨的呼应,闷油瓶的身世前所未有地明朗起来……   《盗墓笔记7邛笼石影》:  回到北京,我们和老九门后人的约见正撞上拍卖会,由于误“点天灯”,我们不得不携拍卖的玉玺逃走。然而,随后交换到的消息,却令双方都大吃一惊!神秘失踪的考古队,闷油瓶非同寻常的身份,连续多年收到的录像带……所有的秘密,最后竟都指向同一处!为了得到这一切的答案,无邪和闷油瓶兵分两路,前往四川和广西。样式雷上的张家古楼究竟承载了怎样的过往?幕后操纵的势力难道另有其人?折损了老九门上代全部精英的墓穴吴邪将如何面对?嗜血的毛发、移动的铁衣、诡异的浮雕……谜题终结之前的最后一步,一切问题的答案,就在这道石壁后!   《盗墓笔记.8 大结局(上、下两册)》:  吴邪戴上了三叔的人皮面具,以三叔的身份整顿了三叔在长沙的产业,三叔手下盘口的马仔无不归顺。吴邪、潘子和小花等人兵分三路,从杭州、长沙和北京出发前往广西。在广西巴乃的村寨中,吴邪假扮的三叔再遇裘德考的队伍,并见到了一个肩膀融化垮塌的鬼影。他们发现,这个鬼影就是三十年前张家古楼考古队的队员,名叫张起灵!  鬼影是解开这一切秘密的钥匙吗?在鬼影的推动下,他们终于深入这苍茫诡异群山中的巨大秘密——在群山中有一群以食人为生的密洛陀,前往古楼密境的通道在它们的遏阻下凶险万分,波诡云谲!   吴邪和胖子终于进入了张家古楼,他们能救回闷油瓶吗?关于三十年前的那支考古队,他们又将有怎样的发现?   《盗墓笔记》大结局,终极悬念一次揭晓。
藏海花全集 2.0 APK
南派三叔继《盗墓笔记》之后又一力作,盗墓笔记8大结局之后5年的故事。一部独属”闷油瓶”的传奇。吴邪五年的平静生活,因金万堂的突然造访而被打断。金万堂竟然知道从张家古楼里带出的月光石上的蝎子图案与幼年闷油瓶有关。为追寻线索,吴邪前往尼泊尔,又辗转到了西藏墨脱。在墨脱,各种与闷油瓶有关的线索纷至沓来!这是一段全新的旅程,吴邪与胖子循着闷油瓶的脚步进入雪山腹地,这一次,吴邪能解开一切谜团吗?South Pine UncleFollowing the "Tomb Notes" masterpiece after another, five yearsafter the story of the Tomb Notes 8 finale. A sole case the "stuffylecythus" legendary. Wu evil calm life of five years, to beinterrupted by the surprise visit of the Jin Wantang. The JinwanTang turned on the Scorpion pattern with juvenile know themoonstones Lidai Zhangjiashan Kurau the stuffy lecythus of. Tosearch for leads, Wu evil to Nepal, was removed to Motuo. Medog,various stuffy lecythus clue after another! This is a whole newjourney, Miss evil and fat follow stuffy the lecythus the footstepsinto the snow-capped mountains hinterland, this time, Wu evil canunlock all the mysteries?
58看书 0.1.1 APK
58看书是58看书网推出的一款手机阅读软件,为读者提供超过数十万册玄幻、都市、言情、穿越等流行精品原创小说。58看书与全网同步更新,一网打尽。【核心功能】1.精选1000万本图书资源,最新最热最全网络小说一网打尽。2.最新章节秒速更新,及时提醒,追书就是如此简单。3.权威排行,超全分类,精选专题,没有找不到,只有想不到。4.书架云同步功能,我的书架我做主。5.本地阅读,智能搜索,一键导入。6.一键缓存,免流量,随时随地过书瘾。7.一键换源,看书再也不用担心断篇断章了。8.丰富的阅读主题,个性的字体库,打造属于你的追书神器。【热门内容 】玄幻,修仙,都市,言情,官场,穿越,同人,耽美,校园,军事,总裁,武侠,网游,历史,奇幻,灵异,推理,莽荒纪,大主宰,绝世唐门,完美世界,武极天下,最强弃少,完美世界,莽荒纪,特种兵在都市,唐砖,异世邪君,欲封天,符皇,首席御医,武炼巅峰,吞噬星空,魔天记,星战风暴,超级兵王,星河大时代等热门小说58 58 reading is readingnetwork launched a mobile reading software, to provide readers withmore than a few one hundred thousand fantasy, urban, romance, crossand other popular fine original novel. 58 reading and the wholenetwork synchronization update, a clean sweep.[Core function]1. The selection of 10 million library resources, the latest novelcaught the hottest and most complete network.2. The latest chapter second speed of updates, a timely reminder,chasing the book is so simple.3. The authority ranking, ultra-wide classification, selection oftopics, not found, just think.4. bookshelf cloud synchronization, my bookshelves I call theshots.5. Local reading, intelligent search, a key import.6. a key cache, free flow, anytime, anywhere over the bookaddiction.7. A key change source, reading papers no longer have to worryabout breaking off the chapter.8. rich reading theme, personalized font library, create your ownbook artifact chase.[Popular]Fantasy, Cultivation, urban, romance, officialdom, crossing,colleagues, slash, campus, military, president, martial arts,games, history, fantasy, supernatural, reasoning, disciplinereckless waste, large dominate Tangmen masterpiece, a perfectworld, Wu pole world, the strongest abandoned less perfect world,reckless waste discipline, special forces in the city, Tang brick,Different World evil king, want closure days, Fu Huang, chiefphysician, Wu Lian peak, devouring stars, magic day to remember,Star Wars Storm , super soldier king, Galaxy and other popularfiction era
侯卫东官场笔记[全集] 1.1 APK
  23次微妙的调动与升迁,66个党政部门,84起官场风波,304位各级别官员,交织进1个普通公务员的命运——侯卫东的这本笔记,将带您深深潜入中国公务员系统庞大、复杂而精彩的内部世界,从村、镇、县、市一直到省,随着主人公侯卫东的10年升迁之路,逐层剥开茫茫官场的现状与秘密。  读完《侯卫东官场笔记(套装共8册)》,官场对于您将不再是一个模糊、杂乱的概念,而是一张张清晰、熟悉的面孔;那些粉墨登场的芸芸百官,那些表情背后的心思,看似突如其来的话语,都在小说的跌宕起伏中,一一露出了他们的本来面目。  ★ 公务员必读!  ★ 有史以来全国总销量第一的官场小说!  ★ 一部逐层讲透村、镇、县、市、省官场现状的自传体小说。  ★《侯卫东官场笔记》:逐层讲透村、镇、县、市、省官场现状!  ★《侯卫东官场笔记2》:如何做政绩?  ★《侯卫东官场笔记3》:教你掌握“被领导的艺术”!  ★《侯卫东官场笔记4》:如何让“领导的领导”看上你?  ★《侯卫东官场笔记5》:哪些人脉救命?哪些人脉要命?  ★《侯卫东官场笔记6》:铺路不忘退路!  ★《侯卫东官场笔记7》:随时“埋伏笔”,多多益善!  ★《侯卫东官场笔记8》:越往上走,越要讲政治!  ★23次微妙的调动与升迁,66个党政部门,84起官场风波,304位各级别官员,交织进1个普通公务员的命运——侯卫东的这本笔记,将带您深深潜入中国公务员系统庞大、复杂而精彩的内部世界,从村、镇、县、市一直到省,随着主人公侯卫东的10年升迁之路,逐层剥开茫茫官场的现状与秘密。作者简介  小桥老树,男,40岁,某省某市某局局长。23 times subtlemobilization and promotion, 66 Party and government departments, 84from officialdom storm, the 304-level officials, interwoven intothe fate of an ordinary civil servants - Hou Weidong this note,will take you deep sneaked into China's civil service system large,complex and exciting internal world, from the village, town,county, city, until the province, promotion of the road in 10 yearsas the hero Hou Weidong layers peel the vast the officialdom statuswith secret.Reading "the of Hou Weidong officialdom notes (Set of 8),officialdom for you is no longer a vague, messy concept, but apicture of the clear and familiar faces; the Among Baiguan of thoseon stage, behind those expressions of thoughts, words seeminglysudden, all the ups and downs of the novel, one by one exposedtheir true colors.★ civil servants must-read!★ the history of the country's total sales of officialdomnovels!★ a layer by layer thoroughly publicize the village, town, county,municipal, provincial officialdom status autobiographicalnovel.★ "of Hou Weidong officialdom notes: the drill thoroughly publicizethe village, town, county, municipal, provincial officialdom statusquo!★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom note 2: How do achievements?★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom notes: teach you to master the artof leadership!★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom notes: how to make the leadershipof the" leadership "fancy you?The ★ "of Hou Weidong officialdom notes 5: What are the contactsfor help? Who pulse terrible?★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom note 6": paving the way not forgetretreat!★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom note 7": at any time "ambush pen,the more the better!★ "CAPITAL INSTITUTE officialdom note: the higher up you go, themore we talk about politics!★ 23 times subtle mobilization and promotion, 66 Party andgovernment departments, 84 from officialdom storm, the 304-levelofficials, interwoven into the fate of an ordinary civil servants -Hou Weidong of the notes, will take you deep into China civilservants system is a huge, complex and exciting internal world,from the village, town, county, city, until the provincial andpromotion of the road in 10 years as the hero Hou Weidong layerspeel the vast the officialdom status with secret.About the authorSmall bridge old trees, male, 40 years old, a province in a city ofa Secretary.
明朝那些事儿[全集] 1.0 APK
《明朝那些事儿》,网络上连载的中国明朝(1344年-1644年)历史故事,掀起了明朝热。作者当年明月,本名石悦,是广东顺德海关公务员。2006年3月在天涯社区首次发表,2009年3月21日连载完毕,边写作边集结成书出版发行,一共7本。从朱元璋出生讲起,到崇祯皇帝自缢明朝灭亡。以史料为基础,以年代和具体人物为主线,并加入了小说的笔法,对明朝十七帝和其他王公权贵和小人物的命运进行全景展示,尤其对官场政治、战争、帝王心术着墨最多,并加入对当时政治经济制度、人伦道德的演义。"Ming those thing", thestory of China's Ming Dynasty (1344 -1644 years) serial network,set off a the Ming Dynasty heat. The year of the moon, whose realname is Shi Yue, the Guangdong Shunde Customs civil servants. Firstpublished in March 2006 in a distant community serialized finishedon March 21, 2009, while writing side assembled into a book waspublished, a total of seven. Let's talk about birth from theemperor Chongzhen Emperor hanged himself in the Ming Dynastyperish. Based on historical data, the main line to the age andspecific characters and adding a novel technique of writingpanoramic display of the fate of the Ming Dynasty seventeen Emperorand other princes dignitaries and little people, especially ofbureaucratic politics, war, imperial intention inked up and addingon the political and economic system, the Kingdoms of ethics andmorality.